Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

In order to remain successful, business must be sustainable. Balancing the economic, social and environmental aspects of business, enables us meet our needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.


Because our effects on the environment have wide reaching consequences, nothing stands alone in the environmental industry. Increasingly as individuals and companies, we are becoming aware of our obligations to live and work sustainably and responsibly, and there is a desire to make a difference.

Sustainability is about working within our limits. In a capitalist society, business focus is often on the promotion of the economic system. Developing a more sustainable business model requires that the social and environmental aspects of industry are also considered, and a balance is found which creates a viable project that has an equitable impact on society, and a bearable impact on the environment.

Going further, corporate social responsibility (CSR) considers exactly how an organisation aligns its aims and values with stakeholder expectations. It adds a moral element to the need for sustainable development and demands that a business be accountable for maximising the benefits and minimising the negative impact of its economic, social and environmental activities.


Envisage will identify the positive and negative aspects and impacts of your business.


Envisage will suggest relevant targets for your business to direct the operation towards a more balanced approach.

Monitoring and Development

On-going monitoring of progress towards targets and development of social and environmental practices results in a solid sustainability policy.

Balancing Sustainability in a Corporate World

Envisage can help you to identify where the positive and negative impacts of your operations are, ranking them by importance, before shifting the focus of each to consider all elements of sustainable and responsible practice. From here, a balance can be struck and targets set to attain the company’s aims and objectives.

Additionally, a CSR strategy can be devised which considers the most important, but non-financial issues for the business. Plans can be drawn up to promote stakeholder engagement and to ensure transparent governance of these key issues. A monitoring and management strategy can also be devised in order to provide data for the preparation of a publicly available report, enabling your business to demonstrate your responsible practices to your stakeholders.

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