Environmental Permitting and Regulatory Compliance

Environmental regulation is continually evolving and with it, the requirements on industry are ever growing. Keeping track can be time consuming.

What is Required?

Understanding the implications of the latest regulations, and making applications to obtain or vary permits can take significant time and resources. Even Companies with a dedicated environmental management team may require assistance. When considering the requirements of the Environmental Permitting Regulations for example, the fundamental requirement is for industry to demonstrate that the Best Available Techniques (BAT) are being applied. However in order to do this, the following information is required to make an application:

  • Detailed assessments of emissions to air, land and water and their resultant impacts;
  • Details on the raw materials used by the process, and how the use of hazardous substances is avoided or minimised;
  • Methods to minimise, re-use or recover waste;
  • Information on effective environmental management techniques;
  • An assessment of noise and vibration from the process;
  • Energy efficiency measures;
  • Accident prevention techniques; and
  • An assessment of the condition of the site (land, surface waters and ground waters).

Focus On:

The following documents provide a focus on the requirements of the new BAT Conclusions documents and Permitting for Medium Combustion Plant and Specified Generators.



A thorough understanding of the Regulations

Envisage’s Consultants have worked with the current Permitting regime since its’ inception.

Good communication with the regulator

Envisage understands the importance of liaison, and ensures that both the client and the regulator are fully briefed.

A wealth of experience in Permitting

Our work with businesses of all types and sizes ensures exposure to all forms of Permitting.

What Happens Next?

Once the Permit is in place, there is invariably a number of reporting requirements placed upon a site, and perhaps pre-operational or improvement conditions. Envisage can help you with studies and reporting, ensuring that you continue to meet the requirements of your Permit.

Envisage are happy to offer all of the following services:

  • Information and interpretation of environmental regulations and how they impact on your company;
  • Preparation of applications for new or varied Environmental Permits;
  • Assistance with the preparation of your application, for example the provision of specialist services should you wish to produce the bulk of your application in-house;
  • Liaison with the relevant regulatory body on your behalf;
  • Continued support through improvements and reporting requirements.

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