Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling

From screening models to full Air Quality Assessments, Envisage can meet your dispersion modelling needs.

What is Dispersion Modelling?

Dispersion modelling can determine the likely dispersion of emissions in the environment. Using complex computer modelling techniques, the dispersion of emissions can be mapped in a cost effective way to estimate the likely contribution of one or multiple processes, or the emissions from traffic sources to background concentrations of pollution.

Dispersion modelling can be used to assess many different aspects of air pollution. Modelling techniques can determine the effects of emission points and traffic flow on the background concentrations of pollution. Proposed industrial developments or processes must demonstrate that any potential emissions will disperse satisfactorily and are unlikely to cause significant pollution at ground level when compared with relevant air quality standards, guidelines and objectives. Additionally, statutory nuisance issues such as complaints of odour, which can be difficult to pinpoint and quantify, can be modelled to determine the likely location and offensiveness of the nuisance. This information can be seen as important evidence in determining the strength of a statutory nuisance case.

The effect of vehicle emissions can be modelled, either to assess the impact of the traffic associated with a new industrial, commercial or residential site, or to consider the impact of a proposed new roadway.

Air Quality Impacts

Envisage can use modelling to assess the likely contributions of a process to current ground level concentrations of pollutants.

Human Health Assessments

Considering the potential exposure of local people at sensitive receptors such as schools, hospitals, and in residential neighbourhoods in the vicinity.

Ecological Impact Assessment

Envisage can use modelling to assess the likely impacts on sensitive ecological receptors which, as required, can be used to inform a Habitat Regulations Assessment.

Modelling at Envisage

The Consultants at Envisage have many years’ experience in undertaking atmospheric dispersion modelling. Having obtained the necessary emissions data for your processes or confirmed the relevant traffic loads, models can be run which take account of meteorological conditions, local terrain and nearby structures as necessary, to accurately model the dispersion of emissions from the site or proposed development. Results will be compared against relevant air quality standards, guidelines and objectives and where required, information and advice can be given on specific issues such as which processes may be responsible for significant contributions to ground level concentrations, and how dispersion can be improved or emissions reduced.

Specific sensitive human health and ecological receptors can be included in the models in order to quantify the impacts at these sites, and as required, the contribution to ecological critical levels and critical loads can be assessed. Dispersion modelling can also consider the likely impact of odour releases, and can be used to determine the likely acceptability or otherwise of an odour releasing process.

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